3. SICOMIX SRF Slow release fertilisers in tablets (T) & powder (P) (ex EU)
Home > Products > Fertilisers > D) Controlled Release (CRF) and Slow Release (SL) fertilisers > 3. SICOMIX SRF Slow release fertilisers in tablets (T) & powder (P) (ex EU)
3.3.11. SICOMIX PALM SRF nr. 11 NPK (MgO) 23-10-11 (4) + TE (T/P)
3.3.10. SICOMIX PALM SRF nr. 10 NPK (MgO) 18-8-9 (3) + TE (T/P)
3.3.9. SICOMIX PALM SRF nr. 9 NPK (MgO) 16-8-24 (6) + TE (T/P)
3.3.8. SICOMIX PALM SRF nr. 8 NPK (MgO) 15-15-20 (9) + TE (T/P)
3.3.7. SICOMIX PALM SRF nr. 7 NPK (MgO) 15-15-6 (7) (T/P)
3.3.6. SICOMIX PALM SRF nr. 6 NPK (MgO) 14-14-19 (8) + TE (Powder)
3.3.5. SICOMIX PALM SRF nr. 5 NPK (MgO) 12-24-18 (6) (T/P)
3.3.4. SICOMIX PALM SRF nr. 4 NPK (MgO) 12-22-8 (3) + TE (T/P)
3.3.3. SICOMIX PALM SRF nr. 3 NPK (MgO) 12-12-17 (2.5) + TE (T/P)
3.3.2. SICOMIX PALM SRF nr. 2 NPK (MgO) 9-5-22 (2) (T/P)
3.3.1. SICOMIX PALM SRF nr. 1 NPK (MgO) 7-4-33 (1) (T/P)
3.3. Sicomix Palm SRF tablets. NPK slow release tablets with methylene urea, potassium magnesium phosphate recommended for fertilisation of oil palm seedlings and trees. Survey (origin EU)
3.2.20. SICOMIX SRF nr. 20 NPK (MgO) 24-5-10 (3.5) + TE (T/P) 80% of total N from urea formaldehyde, for ornamentals, indoor plants
3.2.19. SICOMIX SRF nr. 19 NPK (MgO) 24-5-10 (3.5) (T/P) 80% of total N from urea formaldehyde, for ornamentals, indoor plants
3.2.18. SICOMIX SRF nr. 18 NPK (MgO) 22-7-12 (2) + TE (T/P) 60% of total N from urea formaldehyde, heaths plants, blue berries, rhododendrons, azaleas
3.2.17. SICOMIX SRF nr. 17 NPK (MgO) 20-15-10 (3.5) + TE (T/P)
3.2.16. SICOMIX SRF nr. 16 NPK (MgO) 20-10-5 (1.5) + TE (T/P) 80% of total N from urea formaldehyde, for ornamentals, blooming shrubs, roses, strawberries, grapevine
3.2.15. SICOMIX SRF nr. 15 NPK (MgO) 20-5-10 (3.5) + TE (T/P) 80% of total N from urea formaldehyde, for ornamentals, indoor plants, grapevine
3.2.14. SICOMIX SRF nr. 14 NPK (MgO) 19-7-11 (4.8) + TE (T/P) 93% of total N from urea formaldehyde, for balcony flowers, geranium, roses, forest and fruit nursery planting, fruit trees and shrubs
3.2.13. SICOMIX SRF nr. 13 NPK (MgO) 17.5-17.5-10.5 (9) + TE (T/P) 60% of total N from urea formaldehyde, for balcony flowers, geranium, roses, forest and fruit nursery planting, fruit trees and shrubs, peppers, tomatoes
3.2.12. SICOMIX SRF nr. 12 NPK (MgO) 17.5-17.5-10.5 (9) + TE (T/P) 30% of total N from urea formaldehyde, for balcony flowers, geranium, roses, forest and fruit nursery planting, trees and shrubs, peppers, tomatoes, wetland plants (water lilies etc)
3.2.11. SICOMIX SRF nr. 11 NPK (MgO) 17.5-17.5-10.5 (9) (T/P) 60% of total N from urea formaldehyde, for balcony flowers, geranium, roses, forest and fruit nursery planting, fruit trees and shrubs
3.2.10. SICOMIX SRF nr. 10 NPK (MgO) 17-17-5 (11) + TE (T/P) 25% of total N from urea formaldehyde, for fruit trees and shrubs
3.2.9. SICOMIX SRF nr. 9 NPK (MgO, CaO, S) 12-5-20 (3-5-7) + TE (T/P) 80% of total N from urea formaldehyde, for perennial plants. (special tailor-made formula for Korea with high Mn and Co)
3.2.7. SICOMIX SRF nr. 7 NPK (MgO) 10-26-10 (2) + TE (T/P) 72% of total N from urea formaldehyde, for blooming shrubs, roses