C) SICO® FARMCARE: a range of natural feed supplements and care products for all farm animals (origin E.U.)
Home > Products > Animal Nutrition and Health > C) SICO® FARMCARE: a range of natural feed supplements and care products for all farm animals (origin E.U.)
8. Sico-Farmcare Derma, A unique product for the care of animal skin (pigs, ruminants, horses, dogs)
7. Sico-Farmcare Stress-L (liquid) and -P (powder), Production stress management, immunomodulator
6. Sico-Farmcare Live-L (liquid) and -P (powder), A natural productivity stimulation. Prevents ketosis and liver damage. Growth promoter and hepato protector.
4. Sico-Farmcare Profimix, Growth promoter, mycotoxin binder, productivity promoter.
5. Sico-Farmcare Myco, Mytotoxin problem solver & detoxification & improves production.
3. Sico-Farmcare Diarstop, Stops diarrhea in calves and adult cows.
2. Sico-Farmcare Rumen, Appetite stimulant and digestive tonic for cattle & ruminants.
1. Sico-Farmcare introduction, Range of natural Feed supplements and care products for all farm animals.